Lambda Functions in Python

Lambda Functions in Python

Anonymous Functions


3 min read

Namaste Coders πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

Before starting have a glance on the below article to know about functions in Python πŸ‘‡

Built-in Functions User Defined Functions

In this article, we will discuss lambda functions in Python. These are one liner 😎 functions in Python.

What are Lambda Functions πŸ€”?

Lambda functions or anonymous functions provide a sugary syntax to write functions in one line in Python.

To define an anonymous function we use the keyword lambda in Python.

It can have any number of arguments/parameters but should contain only one expression which has to be returned.

In Lambda function there is no def or return keyword used.


lambda  parameter_list: expression


#Find square of a number using anonymous function
square=lambda x: x*x
print("Square of number is: ",square(num))

#Area of a rectangle
area=lambda l,b: l*b
print("area of rectangle is : ",area(l,b))

#Square of number is:  25
#area of rectangle is :  20

Using Conditionals in Lambda

Syntax :

lambda  parameter_list: if statement (if condition) else else statement


max = lambda a,b : a if a>b else b

tables = [lambda x=x: x*10 for x in range(1, 11)]

for t in tables:
    print(t() , end =" ")

#10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Higher Order Functions

Higher Order Functions (HOF) are the functions in which another function is passed as an argument. Lambda Functions are passed as an argument in these functions.

  • map function

map function computes certain operation on an iterable(list) and returns new list.


map(lambda function , iterable)
#returns a list 
#even nums square and odd nums cube 
nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

nums_list = list(map(lambda x :x**2 if x%2==0 else x**3 , nums))

#[1, 4, 27, 16, 125, 36]
  • filter function

As the name suggests, it filters the element from the list on the basis of the condition specified in the function.


filter(lambda function , iterable)


nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

# Filters all the even nums
even = list(filter(lambda x : x%2==0 , nums))

#[2, 4, 6]
  • reduce function

It accumulates all the values into a single value. Like performing addition or multiplication among all the elements in the list and returning one result.


reduce(lambda function , iterable)


nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

# importing to reduce function
from functools import reduce

# multiplying all the elements
mul = reduce(lambda a,b : a*b , nums)


P.S. : Will continue with the functions and discuss more in upcoming articles. Stay tunedπŸ‘§

The End

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