Functions in Python

Functions in Python

Inbuilt Functions


5 min read

Namaste Coders ๐Ÿ‘ฉ

From this article onwards, we will start learning and discussing functions in Python. What are function ๐Ÿ™„? Different types of functions, all will be discussed and covered.

Imagine you are starving for food ๐Ÿฅ™ but you don't know how to cook ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ. Now you have two ways to go. Either you can purchase ingredients, look for recipes, follow tutorials and cook by yourself or you can give ingredients to someone who is a professional cook so that you can enjoy delicious and healthy meals every day. Which sounds easy and less time-consuming. I guess it's the second way for everyone. Functions in Python do the same for us ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

What are Functions?

Functions are the block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single action. For example, we need to calculate the sum of two numbers 4 times. Should we write the algorithm 4 times in a single program๐Ÿ˜ฏ? No, we should not because it will make code regressive and will violate the zen of python. It will reduce readability.

Let's start playing with functions ๐Ÿ‘Š

Python Built-in Functions

Python provides us with many functions which are already defined and ready to use by the programmers. These are called built-in functions.

It is not new to you as we are dealing with built-in functions from the very first Python program. Yes, you heard ๐Ÿ‘‚ it right.

To print Hello World we use none other than a print() function. There are many built-in functions like input(),type(), tuple() ,dict() ,list(),set() and many more.

Here is a list of some built-in functions provided by Python ๐Ÿ‘‡

  • abs(): Returns the absolute value of a number
  • all(): Returns True if all items in an iterable object are true
  • any(): Returns True if any item in an iterable object is true
  • ascii(): Returns a readable version of an object. Replaces none-ascii characters with escape character
  • bin(): Returns the binary version of a number
  • bool(): Returns the boolean value of the specified object
  • callable(): Returns True if the specified object is callable, otherwise False
  • chr(): Returns a character from the specified Unicode code.
  • complex(): Returns a complex number
  • delattr(): Deletes the specified attribute (property or method) from the specified object
  • dict(): Returns a dictionary
  • dir(): Returns a list of the specified object's properties and methods
  • divmod(): Returns the quotient and the remainder when argument1 is divided by argument2
  • enumerate(): Takes a collection (e.g. a tuple) and returns it as an enumerate object
  • eval(): Evaluates and executes an expression
  • filter(): Use a filter function to exclude items in an iterable object
  • float(): Returns a floating point number
  • format(): Formats a specified value
  • frozenset(): Returns a frozenset object
  • getattr(): Returns the value of the specified attribute (property or method)
  • globals(): Returns the current global symbol table as a dictionary
  • hasattr(): Returns True if the specified object has the specified attribute
  • hash(): Returns the hash value of a specified object
  • help(): Executes the built-in help system
  • hex(): Converts a number into a hexadecimal value
  • id(): Returns the id of an object
  • input(): Allowing user input
  • int(): Returns an integer number
  • isinstance(): Returns True if a specified object is an instance of a specified object
  • iter(): Returns an iterator object
  • len(): Returns the length of an object
  • list(): Returns a list
  • map(): Returns the specified iterator with the specified function applied to each item
  • max(): Returns the largest item in an iterable
  • memoryview(): Returns a memory view object
  • min(): Returns the smallest item in an iterable
  • next(): Returns the next item in an iterable
  • oct(): Converts a number into an octal open(): Opens a file and returns a file object
  • ord(): Convert an integer representing the Unicode of the specified character
  • pow(): Returns the value of x to the power of y
  • print(): Prints to the standard output device
  • property(): Gets, sets, deletes a property
  • range(): Returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 and increments by 1 (by default)
  • repr(): Returns a readable version of an object
  • reversed(): Returns a reversed iterator
  • round(): Rounds a numbers
  • set(): Returns a new set object
  • setattr(): Sets an attribute (property/method) of an object
  • slice(): Returns a slice object
  • sorted(): Returns a sorted list
  • str(): Returns a string object
  • sum(): Sums the items of an iterator
  • super(): Returns an object that represents the parent class
  • tuple(): Returns a tuple
  • type(): Returns the type of an object
  • vars(): Returns the dict property of an object
  • zip(): Returns an iterator, from two or more iterators
# abs function example
print("abs function example: ",abs(a))
#abs function example:  3.5

# all function example
print("all function example: ",all(l))
#all function example:  False
#any function example
print("any function example: ",any(l))
#any function example:  True

#ascii function example
s='Pythรถn is interesting' 
print("ascii function example: ",ascii(s))
#ascii function example:  'Pyth\xf6n is interesting'

#bin function example
print("bin function example: ",bin(num))
#bin function example:  0b1010
#bool function example
print("bool function example: ",bool(num))
#bool function example:  True

#bytearray function example
string = "Python is interesting."
# string with encoding 'utf-8'
arr = bytearray(string, 'utf-8')
print("bytearray function example ",arr)
#bytearray function example  bytearray(b'Python is interesting.')
size = 5
arr = bytearray(size)
print("bytearray function example 2 ",arr)
#bytearray function example 2  bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
#chr function example
# It will return a line as chr(10)='/n'
print("chr function example: ",chr(num))
#chr function example:
#callable function example
print("callable function example: ",callable(l))
callable function example:  False
#divmod function example
print("divmod function example: ",divmod(2,3))
#divmod function example:  (0, 2)
#eval function example
print("eval function example: ",eval('2+3'))
#eval function example:  5
#enumerate function example
print("enumerate function example: ",enumerate('2+3'))
#enumerate function example:  <enumerate object at 0x009D3580>
#frozenset function example
print("frozenset function example: ",frozenset(l))
#frozenset function example:  frozenset({1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

P.S. : Will continue with the functions and discuss more in upcoming articles. Stay tuned๐Ÿ‘ง

The End

I hope you enjoyed the article and had a good learning experience.

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